Happening Now


allergenic wheat
(Suitable for high
quality bread

Legumes’ taste and texture tailored to the alternative protein market

resistant to a

with a longer
shelf life

Aftertaste free
stevia sweetener


With Nrgene, it’s POSSIBLE

Partner with us to make a change

We believe that long term strategic partnerships are the key for success. The strength of collaboration lies in our teams working closely together to generate the best possible outcome.

The MAGIC begins when OUR game changing expertise and
technology is focused on solving YOUR challenges!

What is your challenge?

Unlocking a more sustainable future

We see the future, and it’s a good place: our food, supply chains and raw materials thriving in our changing
climate and the forseeable future. At a time when sustainability has never been more urgent, NRGene is making
tomorrow happen… today!

Climate change

Increasing plant resilience and tolerance to growing climatic stresses and adapting to the ever-changing climate

Water resources

Improving water efficiency by developing drought resistant varieties

and wellness

Influencing people’s wellness by creating products with higher protein levels and healthier nutritional profiles

Food security

Ensuring food security for the world’s growing population by rapidly developing accessible, higher yielding and resilient crops


Impacting the environmental footprint by reducing the use of arable land, water, pesticides and more

Natural resources

Maximizing value from the limited resources available, while improving diversity and resource efficiency

Leading a culture of innovation

Supriya Dhakal

Masood Rizvi

Sharon Klein

Patsy Gomez

Yedael Waldman

Ben Gradus

Ron Avraham

Katya Kourliakov

Daphna Tako

Kobi Baruch

Gil Ronen

Roee Zabari

Anna Samoha

Rotem Raz

Asaf Levi

Nir Kfir

Sebastian Espinoza-Ulloa

Eldad Kdoshim

Shira Sabach

Maya Galili

Doron Cohen

Prashani Dilushi