Fully customized, all-inclusive genotyping solution utilizing NRGene’s vast experience and data for multiple species.
Using NRGene’s unique sequence-based diversity analysis, we can create your own SNP panel and design an optimal SNP set, tailored specifically to your needs. Our expert personnel will lead you to the preferred genotyping platform and help you attain quick and cost-effective results.



Outstanding Results

Modern breeding schemes such as Marker Assisted Breeding (MAB), Genomic Selection (GS), and Marker Assistant Backcross (MABC) require routine genome-wide genotyping of many samples. The prediction power of these schemes is limited due to the number of samples genotyped and the coverage and accuracy of the genotyping data. NRGene utilizes its proprietary analytics and vast database to deliver the highest quality genotyping to you in the most cost-effective way.



Obtain the best outcome with your own SNP panel and an optimal SNP set, developed
specifically for your genotyping project.



    Fully customized genotyping project designed specifically to your needs



    NRGene’s proprietary databases of multiple organisms allow for broad diversity analyses



    Allows additional data to be imputed to improve predictions



    Full genotyping solution suited to your needs



    Exclusive data and capabilities will enable you to stay ahead of your competitors

How it Works

Schedule a free consultation meeting with our experts. We will assess your challenges and goals and offer an optimal solution combining the appropriate features of our genotyping package. The package includes:

  • Genotyping solution planning
    We will design an optimal SNP set tailored to your specific case, fit the best genotyping platform and advise you throughout your project.
  • Imputation
    Using an existing DB and a minimal SNP set, we can impute additional data points per sample to enable improved predictions.
  • Diversity analyses
    Genome-wide diversity analyses of your germplasm, based on our existing databases of multiple species, will result in the selection of your own SNP panel.
  • All-inclusive solution
    By combining the above modules, we can create a full genotyping solution designed specifically to your needs. We will plan, analyze and coordinate the project to provide you with optimum results in a quick and cost-effective way.



Please fill up The Form


What species do you have in your databases?

We have a broad proprietary database for maize, soy, cotton, tomato, canola/rapeseed, pepper, wheat, barley, and potato. We have a significant volume of available data on dozens of other species and have the knowledge and expertise to work on yours.

What is the turnaround time for a genotyping project?

The set-up, design, and consultation steps can take up to a few months. Subsequently, NRGene can provide genotyping results as fast as within 2-3 weeks of a tissue shipment.

What is the cost of an all-inclusive genotyping solution?

Genotyping costs depend on the number of samples and SNP density (# of data points per sample). NRGene offers a competitive price for a high-quality genotyping result.

Can "off the shelf" solutions reduce costs while improving results?

Most existing 'off the shelf' solutions ignore your specific diversity, thus leaving many of the measured SNPs useless for your purposes (non-informative). Moreover, even informative SNPs can vary in their information content and redundancy as compared with other SNPs in the panel. NRGene can optimize the marker set size with its information and achieve the desired combination of price and quality to drive your breeding program forward by capturing your own diversity in full.

Thanks for your interest in our product!

We want to hear more about your needs. Please fill the form below and member of our team will contact you in the next few days.